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Welcome to the Special Education Needs and Disabilities section of our school website.

At Hawthorns Primary we are proud of the support we can provide for our children.  This page will show you how we work and the provision we offer, as well as provide access to links and resources.

Our SENDCO is Mr Brendan O'Shea - 

Our school SEND Policy can be found on our policies page - click HERE to access

"Staff are aspirational for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Subject leaders make sure that these pupils can access the whole curriculum."

Ofsted 2022

Our Local Offer - click HERE for more information. 

How we identify and assess pupils’ needs:

At Hawthorns Primary School we know if our pupils need extra support through:

  • Baseline assessments
  • Careful tracking of data
  • Observations of pupils
  • Feedback from teaching staff
  • Pre school visits
  • Liaison with Parents/Carers
  • Information from previous educational provision
  • Phonics assessments
  • Reading, writing, spelling and maths tests (termly)

Please see our Table of Provision below:-

Area of Provision
Universal Provision (Quality First Teaching)
Targeted Provision
Complex Offer


  • High quality teaching including scaffolded activities
  • “Master Reader” programme in all classes taught across school same time daily
  • Daily reading sessions (class novel)
  • School library with extensive selection of books
  • Examples of English Working Walls – new vocabulary in the corridors and all classrooms
  • As Universal plus:
  • RWI Phonic intervention Y2/3/4 1:1 3x week
  • RWI Fresh Start 1:1 intervention 3x week Y5 and Y6
  • Regular liaison with parents
  • Regular reading; comprehension cards (inference skills)
  • As Universal & targeted plus:
  • Individualised phonic interventions eg Bear Necessities 1:1


  • High quality teaching using the Mastery approach, including scaffolded activities
  • Manipulatives: Numicon, dienes, number lines
  • White Rose Maths
  • Daily SDI small group overlearning
  • Keep up Catch up
  • Maths Working Walls in the classrooms
  • Access to computer programmes: TimeTables Rock Stars(TTRS)
  • Number Sense
  • Plus One
  • Power of 2
  • Personalised times tables intervention for identified children
  • Regular liaison with parents
  • As Universal & targeted plus:
  • Individualised maths interventions

Social Skills

  • Modelling of high quality interaction with peers in social settings
  • Mentoring in small group
  • School council
  • Socially speaking
  • Time to talk
  • Self esteem work
  • Positives books
  • 2020 Lunch Club for identified pupils
  • As Universal & targeted plus:
  • Additional Social skills groups
  • Additional self esteem work in
  • 1:1 support in social situations

Medical Needs

  • Access to trained first aiders including Paediatric First Aid
  • Administration of regular medication
  • Liaison with paediatrician, CAMHs etc as appropriate.
  • Specific training and information from school nurse/paediatrician/specialist for particular medical needs.
  • School nursing team liaise, may visit according to need
  • Medical Health Care plan and risk assessments for significant conditions
  • As Universal & targeted plus:
  • Support with understanding and coping with toileting and periods etc.
  • Support with access to cleaning/changing etc
  • OT delivered as required

Speech, Language Sensory & Communi-cation

  • Modelling of high quality and appropriate language by all staff
  • Socially speaking
  • Time to talk
  • Memory Games
  • Specialist seating arrangements/ sloping desk
  • SALT referral
  • Pencil grips/specialist pens
  • Visual timetable
  • SALT referrals
  • As Universal & targeted plus:
  • SALT as required 1:1
  • Sensory toys
  • Use of timer
  • Specialised seating
  • Close liaison with parents

Behaviour Emotional & Social

  • Modelling of appropriate behaviours by staff
  • Mentoring in small group
  • Positive/behaviour report card
  • Play ground buddies
  • School nurse referral
  • Well Being Hub referral
  • Close liaison with parents
  • Bubble Time -adult to provide "chat time" on a daily basis to alleviate worries start of day/before going home.
  • Socially speaking
  • Time to talk
  • Talking partners
  • MHST Y5 Resilience group Spring term
  • MHST Y6 resilience/transition sessions Summer term
  • 2020 Lunch Club daily (identified and “invited” pupils)
  • Referral to external: Foundry College behaviour support team
  • Visual timetables
  • As Universal & targeted plus:
  • Close supervision during social times (1:1 for certain high needs pupils)
  • Support with secondary transition and visits.(eg TA would visit with child with ehcp if required)
  • Home school communication book
  • Close liaison with parents
  • Movement breaks










































Some children may require an SEND Support Plan which is reviewed termly between the school and parents. 

A small number of children may require an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP), which outlines the support a child would receive in school. 

An EHCP brings together Health, Education and Social care in one document with statutory accountability. The design of the plan ensures that all of a pupils’ needs are identified and provision put in one place.