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Home Learning

We have recently updated our Home Learning policy and wanted to share our approach with parents.  Home learning gives children the opportunity to share their learning experiences with their parents and carers, for the children to take increasing responsibility for their own learning and to extend and develop the work undertaken in school. 

The main focus of our home learning is English and mathematics with occasional tasks to extend and enhance learning from other subjects across the curriculum.  We have prioritised reading as a key activity for each year group as it is important for our children to develop as fluent and proficient readers. 

The timings given are a guideline and include time that you may spend with you reading to your child and discussing the text, developing their understanding of what they have read by asking questions as well as them practising to read the book we have sent home. 

Home learning is sent home each week on a Friday to be returned by the Wednesday of the following week.  The following table shows the expectations for each year group:

Current Home Learning



English (including spelling)


Weekly tasks

Ongoing skills practise


Read Write Inc books Daily for 10 minutes per day

Weekly handwriting activities linked to phonics teaching

Practise spelling red words

Weekly practise activity linked to current learning

Counting up and backwards to 10

Years 1 & 2

Read Write Inc books Daily for 20 minutes per day

Practise spelling common exception words and spelling patterns

Handwriting/sentence level work

Weekly practise activity linked to current learning

Counting in steps of 2, 5 and 10

2, 5 and 10 multiplication tables

Years 3 & 4

Library book Daily for 30 minutes per day

Practise spelling statutory words and spelling patterns

Handwriting/sentence level work

Weekly practise activity linked to current learning

3, 4 and 8 multiplication tables

6, 7, 9, 11 and 12 multiplication facts

Years 5 & 6

Library book Daily for 30 minutes per day

Practise spelling statutory words and spelling patterns

Handwriting/sentence level work

Weekly practise activity linked to current learning

12 x 12 multiplication and division facts

 Longer English tasks and occasional topic home learning may be set when required.